AAs a guy who was born in Mexico, was raised in Texas, went to school in Iowa, then moved to New York–I can honestly say I appreciate variety and the different lifestyles I’ve encountered. Now, being a blogger, a dating blogger, I can appreciate the different viewpoints that each person has, but which one is the right one for you?
Having been clumped into the dating blogger directory of New York City, I’ve meet several dating bloggers and have been swept away by their viewpoints and what they offer in terms of dating tips or advice. Just last week, I went to the YourTango party where everyone there was connected with writing on relationships/dating in some manner, shape, or form. It was such a lively conversation–but if you ever want to stir the pot with a dating/relationship blogger–ask: “So what makes love work?” This question gets the blood pumping, the veins popping and opinions sparking!
And it was at that event and random run-ins with bloggers in general that I came up with the 5 types of dating/relationship bloggers. There’s a blogger for everyone’s taste, but which one is the right one–for you? And yes, even you just blog about your dating life and don’t offer up tips/advice–you fall under one of these–trust me!
1. In Love with Love Blogger: This type of blogger is so much “in love” with the concept of love, that they try to find it with anyone, anytime, anyplace. Their blogs consist of how love is only a cupid-arrow-away so always have your tushy ready for combat. This blogger falls in love with the garbage man, then the following week it’s the bug man, then the week after that, it’s the hitchhiker they picked up on their way to WalMart. In Love with Love Bloggers are fun to read because they do keep “hope” alive and their innocence keeps their blog hits high! Love tips consist of how to attract a man, keep a man, or wish a man into your life.
2. Disappointed with Love Blogger: This blogger will give you the dirt on love. Their tips/post will reflect on “How to tell a man is cheating, How to tell your man is lying, How to kill a man”. I love it because they bring you down to earth and make you see things that you hadn’t seen before, like how a yo-yo can be used as a murder weapon. This blogger, maybe, had a few bad experiences in love and is now focused on “telling you like it is” and I love their cynicism and frankly, would love to know how a yo-yo can be used to slit a throat. You must keep a blogger like this on your RSS feed.
3. Scared of Love Blogger: We all have read a blog or two with this type of blogger behind the computer screen. They tell you to be careful, cautious, and don’t fall too quickly. This blogger will give you tips on: The 3 signs of falling in love too soon, How to fall in love and still keep your feet on the ground, How to live life on your terms–not his. There’s a difference between this blogger and the “disappointed with love blogger” because this one doesn’t think love sucks, they just think love will eventually hurt and they want you to be cautious. They offer a great view point and will keep you on your toes.
4. Passionate about Love Blogger: This blogger (where I fall in–I admit it) is centered when it comes to love. They know the risk factors involved with giving your heart away but encourage it anyway. They also see the signs of a disaster coming and might offer you tips on, how to survive after a break up, who should pay on the first date, or sleeping with a broken heart. This is the type of blogger who’s topics/posts will range from the good stuff to the bad stuff when it comes to the yucky love stuff. Their POV will be somewhat balanced but will shift depending on how their dating status is at the time.
5. Doesn’t know Love Blogger: This blogger amazes me because they know nothing about love. Really. And the people they lead will know nothing about love, also. But it’s only because they’re green, they’re new to it all. It’s like they get their blog topics from Hallmark cards. One post will be about “How not to trust a man,” then they blog about a date they went on where the guy had a funny little tan-line on his wedding ring finger but they couldn’t figure out what it meant. Really? But you have to love this type of blogger because they are putting it out there and it takes guts. This blogger is still fresh, green, hasn’t ripened but can offer you the best “what NOT to do” by doing the opposite of what they tell you to do. Funny how it all works out in the end.
So how did the bloggers fare with the “So what makes love work?” question at the YourTango party? One said it was about the chemistry, another about control, and me, I said it was all about the timing–and who’s right? Well, that, depends on you.
Which type of dating/sex/relationship blogger do you enjoy the most? Leave a comment.