Self Improvement: #Nando25 Challenge Pre-Work Assignment #1

April 1st is approaching and the starter kits have been mailed out to those who pre-registered for the #Nando25 challenge. (To be honest, I wasn’t looking forward to addressing all those envelopes–but after I picked up the 1st one and began writing the address; yes, I hand wrote each one, I got really excited for all of us because we’re in this together…we really are, and I want you to get that…click here for a little reminder)

And, if you take a close look, a really close look, you’ll already notice shifts taking place in your life; think about it, they’re individual shifts. It might be feeling more motivation in a certain area in your life, some of you are complaining less (that’s a big one, baby!), maybe you struck up a conversation with a complete stranger and weren’t so nervous about it, or even went out on a date and allowed yourself to actually have a good time.

Those of you who pre-registered and received your starter kits, the journal inside is to keep track of your journey–I’d like for you to start tracking these small yet monumental shifts. (Those who haven’t gotten your journal yet; you will, but for now use a regular notepad or notebook and transfer your work over once you get your #Nando25 challenge journal)

On the first page of your Empowering Journal, I’d like for you to draw a line down the middle of the page and label the left side: Pre-Challenge shifts and label the right side: Challenge Shifts. And start keeping track of all the good stuff that’s already happening in your life.

What’s happening is you’ve made the intention to challenge yourself–you did that when filling out your name in the registration form. I want you to STOP and think about that. Go back and re-read that statement. It’s a powerful thing you did, you attached your name to a challenge and sent it out to the universe who in turn, heard you. And when you start to take unreasonable actions, shifts occur.

In addition, you sent out a bold declaration to the universe that you’re committed to creating a “better you”–you did that when you hit “send” after completing the entire registration form.

Did you ever imagine you were creating that possibility just by clicking away on your keyboard?
You’ve taken action towards a better you and the universe heard you loud and clear.

The reason why I ask you to either use Pintrest, Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter to tell me that you’ve received your kits, or that you signed up for the challenge, isn’t so much for my benefit ( okay, maybe a little–because I do want to get the word out in order to share the challenge with as many people as possible) but it’s because every “pin,” tweet, facebook status updates and videos you post about the challenge is reinforcing your “commitment” and you’re telling the universe, “I’m ready!”

Those of you who didn’t get the chance to register or just heard about the challenge today–no worries, just grab a journal do the pre-work and make the declaration today, right now–on one or all of your social media platforms and tell the universe that you’re committing to the journey with all of us. No one gets excluded. (include the hash tag #Nando25)

Lastly, I want you to identify three problems, situations, or areas that you want to create a shift in your life
and write them down in your journal. Leave some space in between.

1. Get out of my creative rut.

2. Be more courageous and do more public speaking.

3. Stop being so fearful about relationships.

P.S. Leave a comment on your facebook wall and tag me telling me you’ve completed your #Nando25 challenge pre-work. And stay tuned for your next step.

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