Twitter Trending Gay Hate

There I was today at noon still in bed, while I should be working–when I saw a tweet about #StopthatThatsGay with a hashtag trending on twitter. And I thought, Good Lord, are the Kardashians not doing anything interesting today? Is Britney Spears finally sane that she’s not on twitter’s sharp tongue? What about Betty White, that’s one Golden Girl who’s totally trendable. But it’s true, several people all over twitter are trending something a little mean, plenty hateful and totally ignorant. Now that calls for a big whale with birds carrying it off into twitter NeverLand! With so many Gay Teen Suicides occurring, why is Twitter allowing all this hate? I can’t help but wonder, “In a time when I’ve tried to get more people involved in social media and told them the beauty of it uniting people, have we finally reached a point where it’s letting me down?”

Several weeks ago I saw another tweet from a little gay boy who was upset and was “hating on twitter” and claimed he was going to quit tweeting because people were attacking him because of his sexual preference. But that’s nothing new, I received a hateful remark referencing my “GAY” from a semi-popular yet boring female dating blogger a few months back–she quickly deleted it and blocked me when I confronted her. You won’t see me on any of her #followfridays or tweets involving the events she’s involved in–even though I still get the invites. It was a violation–a total shame–especially hiding behind a computer screen to express total disregard for another human being–but I also think having your thigh double in size when you sit down is a shame–but that’s another story. Referencing my Gay superpower as a weakness not only makes you look stupid, you also close yourself off to a group of guys that are truly amazing! Every woman should have a gay bff?

I told that little gay boy he shouldn’t really be upset with the twitter–it was only the vehicle that people were using–you know, that whole, guns don’t kill people, people kill people. So it’s with a huge spoon I’m taking my own social media medicine. I won’t hate on twitter today but I also won’t participate in the trending topic–you guys realize that if you tweet something saying how you disapprove of today’s trending topic and include that in the tweet –you’re actually contributing to making it trend? Instead, start you’re own–show people what you can do–and don’t forget to tell everyone, it gets better!

To read how or why the trending topic probably started: click here.

And as of 1:30 pm today– it stopped trending. Hmmm?

What are your thoughts on using “Gay” as a comical way to mean something is not cool?

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