Thursday April 23, 2009
Location: North Carolina
Title of photo: Smiles are Contagious
My Blog: Kate's Blog click here.
Why this means happiness to you:
The smiles explains it all!
Wednesday April 22, 2009
Location: Colorado
Title of photo: Happiness and Smiles
Why this means happiness to you:
Because watching her smile makes my day worth while.
Monday April 20, 2009
Location: New York, NY
Title of photo: He Dressed Himself Today
Your site: My Twitter is @DominiqueNYC
Why this means happiness to you:
Because it makes me laugh every time I see it and the kid is 20 yrs old now. That's 16 yrs of laughing.
Friday April 17, 2009
Name: Maynas Eric Chua
Location: Singapore
Title of photo: Featured in the Newspaper made me realized more about life
Your site:
Why this means happiness to you:
It felt great to be featured in my country's most popular newspaper for being part of the Twitter community.This photo represents happiness to me because it was nice that after the article has been published, friends from all over the world called or tweet to send in their congratulations, even people whom we have not contacted for ages.
It made me realized that friendship is for life and that even if as friends lost contact with each other for some time, when good events happen, like weddings or this feature in the newspaper, they will still be there for you.
That makes my heart really warm. It made me happy too to share this with Nando.
Thanks Nando for inviting me to take part in your amazing project :) Kudos to you Broz. You rock!
Thursday April 16, 2009
Your Name: Jocelyn E. Morano
Title of photo: Touched by Light
Your site:
Why this means happiness to you:
The world is full of unexpected things, problems will always be there, like the sun that sets and shines everyday.... LIFE has to go on. Live Life to the fullest, be happy, everyone is touched by light, to show us the importance of being alive, with hope and a bright future, and there will always be someone who makes us smile ;)
Monday April 13, 2009
Name: Melanie
Title of photo: SMILES
Why this photo represents "happiness" to you:
Happiness to me is waking up to this smiling face every morning! My reason for every day!
Friday April 10, 2009
Name: Arlene
Location: Manila, Philippines
Title of photo: space shuttle @ enchanted kingdom
Link to my site: My Twitter @tecalleja
Why this photo represents "happiness" to you:
Because happiness is... screaming your ass off a week after breaking up with
your boyfriend.
This photo was taken a week after my boyfriend and i broke up. We
promised to be friends. being the good sport that I am, I agreed to go
out with our friends and spend a magical day at enchanted kingdom --
probably the best (the only?) theme park here in our country (don't
judge :-)).
I had been crying almost everyday since the breakup. But I put on a
brave front and a smile on my face when we went out. I sat on the
front row of the ride with him, my very first roller coaster ride
ever, and screamed my guts out... I think i look more terrified than
happy in this picture though. But after that day, I finally stopped
crying and learned to accept that I may have lost the boy, but at
least I still have a friend :-)
Thursday April 9, 2009
Name: queertardo
Location: California
Title of photo: Orange You Happy, Miss Gay SF 2003, Manley Lennox!
Your Site:
Why this photo represents "happiness" to you:
This photo means happiness to me because, she's really got the whole "Old School" San Francisco drag thing going on.. Plus the girl's wearing a fierce orange dress!