When single, you spend all your time on the dating sites, and some of your paycheck too, and finally you snatch a date. And then he asks you out again. And again, and again. Before you know it, you're in a relationship. You look back and think, "Good Lord, when did this happen? If you're like any of us--you don't really know, so before you get to where many of us currently are--here are 10 signs your relationship is getting serious!
10. Your relationship is getting serious if it's your 4th date, and he never left from the 1st one you had.
9. Your relationship is getting serious if when you wear your granny panties in front of him (you know what week I'm talk'n about!)
8. Your relationship is getting serious if if you're okay complaining about your co-workers in front of him.
7. Your relationship is getting serious if if you're okay complaining about him to your co-workers.
6. Your relationship is getting serious if when you've met at least one of his friends that totally disgusts you.
5. Your relationship is getting serious if if you no longer feel the need to schmear lotion on your scaly feet when you demand a foot rub.
4. Your relationship is getting serious if you talk about the future together, like, "My cable bill is due tomorrow and I need money, player."
3. Your relationship is getting serious if that cute thing he used to do--that you found so adorable--now annoys you and all you want is to clip his balls off.
2. Your relationship is getting serious when you prefer butter over butterflies when he's around. Can I can Paula Deen's number?
1. Your relationship is getting serious when he tells his wife about you.