Sexy-Mexy Monday: The Chalupa


Seems like every blogger has there "thing" that defines them on their blog; they pick a day once a week and post a blog relating to their theme. The witty and always honest The Lost Plum has her Sunday Pull and now, more recently her FYI Fridays. So why not jump on that blogger roadway and claim a stake of my own? So I introduce to you all, Nando's Sexy-Mexy Mondays.

Still trying to define and refine what these posts will consist of, for now, I'm going to teach you all Spanish,with a Sexy-Mexy twist. Does that work for you? Consider it like an urban dictionary written by yours truly. Wrote a post about it, wanna read it? Here is goes!

Chalupa: [chuh-loo-puh]  N., a Mexican treat consisting of a fried corn tortilla, a bean-base, and usually topped with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, cheese and sour cream.

Yields: Lots of gas. (Welcome to my world)

Example Sentence: Bitch, one more chalupa and your ass is gonna grace the cover of the monthly Weight Watchers newsletter!

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