Relationships evolve as you evolve. You're involved in new experiences every day as you discover and acquire new likes--but you also simultaneously tend to load up on heavier baggage. And just because it's slick, compact and has rollers at the bottom--and easier to carry--it's baggage nonetheless and detrimental to your love-journey.What's the first step in dealing with your baggage?
Being aware and acknowledging your issues and then embracing them so you can begin to work on each and every one. Let them go. You'd be surprised how many of us cling to our shiny and familiar patterns of self-sabotage because it's the only part of us we have re-enforced and have attracted others around us to provide back-up to our faulty way of thinking. Once you have acknowledged--the work can being.
How big is your carry-on? Leave a comment and let's discuss.