German + I were on the @ train chatting away this AM (well, I was chatting away, he was tuning me out when it's this early in the morning) when this adorable brother + sister hop on the train and position themselves in front of us. Not only did they captured us with their bold + colorful outfits--they warmed our heart with their universal conversation.
He was wearing baggy + stylish camouflage pants with high top adidas sneakers while his black wide-rim frames where tucked into his messy locks while she was wearing sassy braids while rock'n her pinks + purples all over Brooklyn.
It was their conversation that won us over. (Ignore the Asian woman in the back who obviously wanted to get in the photo)
Kim Lee, you better wait your turn girl, for your own fashion friday edition.
Little Girl: Eeeeeeeeew!
Big bother: What?
Little Girl: Your breath stinks!
Big brother: Shut up, shut up shut up, don't talk to me!
Little Girl: Why does your breath stink?
Big Brother: silent (but his eyes said so much)