Nando's Back in Town

As many of you know, I was away...far a land called Iowa--start the jokes now--and my time away from New York was so relaxing, but I also did some exciting photo shoots that I'm very proud of. Now I'm back and have rekindled my love affair with the city. The hustle, the bustle, the strange smell of urine on 14th Street--I just didn't realize how I missed it so much.

Last night I went out with some friends to get back into the NYC groove and met them for happy hour. What was originally supposed to be one to two hours turned into six--throw in a Lady Gaga remix and a Beyoncé song and the night ROCKED like never before.

But a few things happened that I thought were worth mentioning. As I walked into the Ritz yesterday and sent a Twitter message on my status, this hot guy flashed his beautiful smile at me. He then strolled up and asked if I was Nando. I was frightened. Was it the IRS?

He was a "facebook friend" who followed my posts...and wanted to say hello. What a great guy he turned out to be. An hour later, another guy came up to me and asked if I was "Nando the Blogger". He subscribes to my blogs and was happy to find out I was real. He couldn't wait to meet me after reading my Xanadu post.

Well I was on top of the world, you know, like how we all felt when we found out Rihanna and Chris Brown were recording a duet on LOVE and writing a book about their domestic violence experience. And just then, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around. It was one of the most handsome men I had ever seen. He pulled me in close and began to whisper in my chubby Mexican ear.

The music was too loud; I couldn't really hear him. Was he a fan? Did he just ask me out on a date? Did he want to run off with me to the Croatian Islands? I asked him to repeat himself. And he did.

"Can you reach behind you and get my coat? I'm meeting my boyfriend and I'm running late."

So much for my fame and fortune! But I'm glad to be back. I love New York (and I don't mean the reality-show-whore).

Related Post:
And He Broke My Stick in Xanadu
Nando & His Blogging Table
Nando & The Diet Shake Date

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