Nandoism's 7 Link Blog Post


Seems like everyone and their grandmama did the 7 link post that was recommended by Darren at ProBlogger. He dared everyone to participate in a 7 Link Challenge, asking us to link to seven posts that fit into seven categories he created. The idea is to help new readers (coming to your blog) to discover content they may have missed, while also providing a quick archive references to some of your favorites for new and old to enjoy. So here are mine.

1. Nandoism's first post: My first post ever was Nando & the Q train and it sucked. I have to admit, my writing was terrible then and I had no sense of grammar or word configuration. It's pretty embarrassing, really, but there it is. The story is fun and it really happened, I thought my life was in danger and I did the only thing left to do once I survived, I blogged about it! Score one for the Mexican.

2. A post you enjoyed writing the most: I would have to go with How to Date Like a Mexican because I was laughing so hard as I wrote pieces of it. I always had such a vivid imagination as a child, which got me in trouble at times but it was always worth it. This post was dedicated to my boyfriend, Santiago, and the way he makes me feel--which is amazing. I was pretty crappy to him yesterday and he still chooses to have me wake up next to him. He's an amazing fella and that blog is all about him.

3. A post which had a great discussion: This piece was getting hits like a Rhianna and Chris Brown reunion, too soon?And I wasn't too sure why but Is This Why You're Still Single made me go, "What's going on here? What did I do?" But it's a great post simply because people opened up and felt comfortable leaving their opinions--which feels great to a blogger. To be honest, this post made people think twice about how they feel about relationships. Feel free to leave your comment and be a part of Nandoism history!

4. A post on someone else’s blog that you wish you’d written: My awesome and talented blogger friend, Lost Plum wrote, In Between My Legs, where she tells you specifically what she would do if she had a penis! This post is extremely original and hilarious--just Plum's style. If you don't know who she is, this post will make you an automatic fan. Although, she just wrote another post yesterday, It Happens to the Best of Us, about someone peeing on her--and that my dear readers--makes her my idol!

5. A post with a title that you are proud of: I'm so proud of this post, The Re-Launching of Gay because it makes a statement and let's readers know, there's action involved after reading the post. It's great to be someone's Gay best Friend (GBF) in today's world because we are truly amazing people and we're being accepted globally, but there's only one problem, it's the make-up artist, hair stylist, and home re-decorators that are being fully embraced. What about the rest of us? Don't ask me about your bangs. Don't ask me about lipstick, unless you want to look like Edward Scissor Hands meets Vanessa Williams! Get the point? All Gays should be accepted, we are all worth celebrating. Do you have a Gay Best Friend (GBF)? No? Contact me, I'll help you pick your perfect Gay match.

6. A post that you wish more people had read: This post was really near and dear to my heart: Gay, Mexican and Adopted, because it gives people an insight to who I am, where I came from, and why I'm the person I am today. This post, A Birthday Wish, is a follow up to the first blog and just gets you closer to understanding why my twisted sense of humor exists; because of my parents and sister.

7. Your most visited post ever: I have to thank Roy Perez who authored my most visited blog post. When I asked him to write a guest post, we never expected it to put Nandoism on the map! His post, How to Tell If Your Man is Gay was well received by everyone. It's a light and fun post that's great to read despite the fact that it feeds into gay stereotyping, but in a non-threatening way, so sit back and read, How to Tell If Your Man is Gay with your Gay Best Friend (GBF) and just spit your drinks out--through our noses.

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