Nando & Your One Wish

I grew up watching I Dream of Jeannie and Bewitched. And even at that young age, I was confused as to why Tony Nelson and Darrin Stephens didn't want Jeannie or Samantha to use their powers. Was I corrupt even then? After each episode I would pretend to have such powers. On Tuesday's I'd "twitch" my Mexican nose in order to conjure up money under my bed. On Friday's I'd "cross my arms and blink" away my sister. My efforts only resulted in my parents taking me to the Ear, Nose and Eye Doctor on a regular basis.

If you had one wish today--what would it be?

Fame? Fortune? Death to the Beckhams? Well, my little pets, have I got news for you! While scanning the ads on Craigslist--no, not the men4men section, I came across an ad written by someone who claims to have a large sum of money and wants to make YOUR wish/desire come true. Don't believe me? Click here for the original post or keep reading below--and PASS THIS ON TO YOUR FRIENDS!


Seeking people who have dreams they'd like to see come true (Lower East Side)

Reply to: see below
Date: 2008-10-08, 2:07AM EDT

I have a very large sum of money at my disposal and I have thought for awhile about what I'd like to do with it. The thing is, I have everything I need and want, and I've realized all my dreams.

I gave it some thought, and I've decided my dream is to make your dreams come true.

So, send me your dreams. Email me at


DO NOT ask me for money, to pay your bills or to pay your mortgage off or to pay off your college loan debt or to write you a check. That's not a dream, that's an unrealistic want and it's not going to happen.

But instead, tell me - what do you want out of life? What do you want to do with your future? What's your dream? If you could do anything in the world, what would it be? What have you been wishing for, hoping for, working towards, thinking about, wanting more than anything else?

Then, send me your ideas. I'd love to see some documentation of you beginning to realize your dream if you have it. If you have a website, a blog, pictures, journal entries, what have you, send it to me. I will read every single one, and I will make some of them come true. If your dream is interesting, unusual, unique, simple, bizarre, terrific, funny, outlandish, fabulous, scary, or in some other way inspiring to me, it is more likely to come true. I WILL RESPOND to some of you, and I WILL make your dreams come true. Others I won't respond to. But I will read and consider all of them. So take a chance. What have you got to lose?

Maybe you have no idea what your dream is. If this is you, really sit down and think about your dreams and your desires. What do you want? Tell me. I want to make your dream come true, and this is not a joke. If you just can't think of what to ask for, send this listing to your friends, your grand mother, your uncle, your boyfriend or girlfriend, or some other person in your life who knows what they want.

This dream is an equal opportunity experience. If you are old, young, fat, thin, strange, normal, ugly, pretty, male, female, transsexual, whatever, I don't care.

As a final word, there are NO STRINGS ATTACHED. I won't ask you for any sex, money or favors in return. So ask me for something, and let's see where this goes.

Just BE CAREFUL what you wish for. Because it might come true.

Email me at:


I sent in my request. Simple as that. E-mail this person your wish, we all have one--what do you have to lose? Even Barack Obama and Sarah Palin have a wish--and it ain't dancing! What's yours?

I'm waiting...

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