I'm pretty sure that by now we have all seen the miraculous video by Beyoncé called Single Ladies and your truly has used the song (don't sue me Sasha Fierce) in a few videos (Nando & Nate's Zoo Movie)--who could forget? But as I went on to view the actual video, I came across these wonderfully talented people and I wanted to share.
Here is my favorite--Shane Mercado is working it so much that I needed to "take 5" after watching it. Shane Mercado shows us that "if we like it--then we should put our moves to it!" My question is--were can I get an outfit like that? Only 20 more pound to loose and I will be rocking one just like it!
The girls in this one are working it hard--too hard I think, and yet that's what makes me want to wish them a Merry Christmas, because as we all know--Christmas and Beyoncé go together like condoms and lube. And these girls are slick on the dance floor. (get it--lube, slick? No? Okay.)
Now, you know you can't have a video with tall skinny girls without having a video response from the "BIG GIRL CLUB" and let me tell you honey, they not only spoke out--they LET IT OUT! Celebrate it girlfriends!
Before you "HATE" on this one--listen to it all the way through. I think you'll change your mind once you get to the chorus.
Okay--you can thank me now.
More info on Shane Mercado click here.
And here.