As I rode the train this morning, I noticed wrinkled clothes, unkept hair, and discouraged spirits—and that was only me. Looking deeper, I spotted lopsided wigs, mismatched patterns and people dreading their return to work. After updating my facebook status and reading what friends had to say about their holiday—I concluded that everyone was exhausted and feeling the unsettling vibe of Monday. But there are a few people feeling the excitement of December 1st, 2008 and that’s Hair Goddess Mayra Segovia, MTV’s MADE runway coach/stylist Glamo and winner of MTV’s MADE Anna Johnson.
Today is the hottest party on 51st street as we celebrate in true New York style at Mayra’s salon. Not only will Mayra be on the premises as we view the MTV episode that transformed Anna Johnson, from New London, Minnesota, into fashion model material—it also launched Glamo into style guru status and Mayra as the “go-to” girl for your hair needs.
Stay tuned for more updates on tonight’s party. If you’re available and want to join the fun—make sure to leave me a comment for Mayra meets MTV party. A few celebrities have been slated to arrive—but let’s keep that fun secret between me and you.
Info on Mayra Segovia's F Studio: click here.
Info on The Glamore Deluxe Company: click here.
Info on Anna Johnson, MTV's MADE winner: click here.
Nando & The MTV Viewing Party click here.
Nando & MTV's Made click here.
Nando & Glamo click here.