Nando & The Bronx Zoo Movie Contest

On assignment for my editor, Dominique at Station Buzz, I went to the Bronx Zoo to gather research for an article due this week. Of course I brought along my faithful companion, Nate--which I later regretted (guess how many fights we had?) There was a point where the monkeys were looking at us!

In the midst of my research, we both took hold of the camera which sparked another quarrel. Who could shoot the BEST Bronx Zoo movie? So we each shot video footage, came home and put our creative thinking caps on (I put on my creative g-string as well--I needed the extra help because Nate owns a MAC!)

Here are the finished videos. We can't agree (imagine that) on who has the best video, so we're having a video contest and are letting you decide. To cast your vote, scroll back up to the left sidebar. The offical poll where you can click on either me or Nate is under my facebook info. (Can I make it any easier for you?)

I'm sure you will vote with complete objectivity and loyalty to me.

Nate's Video:

Nando's Video:

Happy Voting!

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