Nando & Stupid New York Drivers

So I got up late this morning looking out my window at the snow that now reached approximately 6 inches. I began asking myself one of those important of those life pondering of those...this is it questions...."Should I call in sick today and "fake cough" a message to my supervisor's voice mail?

I went against my better judgment and I came to work. I threw on my " look HOT!" pants that I purchased on Sunday and did my hair with my special tornado resistant mousse and I said, "Here comes papa New York!" And New York replied, "Oh shut up stupid!" one removed the snow across the street where I catch the bus so I was knee deep in snow, but I tried to remain positive. "I'm making the tracks for others to follow! The tracks behind me are going to lead others and I will have done my part for the Universe today," I proclaimed!

All of a sudden the bus came and I had to start running towards the leadership track marks were getting more wildly separated as I ran to catch up with the STUPID BUS, and then 1/2 way to the bus, it starts to back up so I now have to make a WIDE left to catch it.

As I was looking back at my tracks (yes....I had to look back) I couldn't help but wonder, will people see my tracks and think, this is the way to go? Or will they see the footprints and think, "what was this idiot thinking?"

Needless to say, I made it to work with my "Hot Pants" now converted to "WET STAINED PANTS" (and not in a good way).

I hate NEW YORK drivers!

Have a dry's too late for me.

But my hair still looks good!

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