Are you serious?? Nando HEARTS Sarah Palin, but really? The thoughts expressed by the Executive at the "Early Show" shows that she's really out of tune with America--at least my America.
When I look out my window, I can see into Mrs. Pinkis' living room, not Russia. But if I wanted to see Russia, I'd go upstairs to 4c where the Vladimir's live and the vodka is purchased in cases and they wake up to Madonna's "Holiday" song.
Do I want to make Sarah VP? No.
Do I think she can be the Next Oprah. Hell, NO!
Will Sarah Palin be the next Oprah?
by Joanna Douglas, Shine Staff
Look out Oprah-if Sarah Palin fails at becoming our next vice president, she might make her former dream come true of getting a gig on television. Apparently TV executives are drooling over the idea of a Palin program after seeing the success she’s brought to "Saturday Night Live" and "CBS Evening News."
"Any television person who sees the numbers when she appears on anything would say Sarah Palin would be great," says "The Early Show" producer Steve Friedman. "The passion she has on each side, love and hate, makes television people say, 'Wow, imagine the viewership.'" Another executive disagrees. "I would not put her on the air. I find her a little stiff, and her ability to read the room is not quite fully developed." Maybe winking at the camera only works for so long.
Most insiders feel a talk show format would be the best bet for Palin. Hey, if she can’t be a guest on "Oprah," why not get her own show? Maybe supporter Elisabeth Hasselbeck of "The View" could play co-host?
Would you watch a Sarah Palin TV show?
This is a serious topic--don't the executives know that we tune in in order to make fun of Palin, not actually hear what she has to say? What do you think?