My dynamic and adventurous friend Edwin is co-founder of Ready, Willing… Enable!, a nonprofit organization that hopes to break the cycle of poverty and inequality of disabled persons living in developing nations. His vision started four years ago while serving in the Peace Corps on the Commonwealth of Dominica. He left the luxuries of New York in order to have a deeper involvement in the charity and headed to Texas! (How dedicated is he?)!
How does the organization work? It's a "HANDS-ON" type of place as individuals selected to embark on this adventure will be true pioneers in the best sense of the word. As Ready, Willing… Enable! volunteers, participants will spend eight hours per day working directly with disabled youths to educate them about skills and hobbies that can improve the quality of their lives. This includes everything from life management skills such as operating a computer or cooking to pleasurable pursuits like guitar-playing.
“We believe these short-term vacations are an excellent way for people, whether they’re education- or experience-minded, to give back to the less-fortunate, explore the world, and become re-invigorated.”
And while education is the foremost intent of the Ready, Willing…Enable! excursions, cultural activities and free time are built into the schedule to ensure that volunteers are able to explore the native environment and enjoy some of their favorite pastimes, be that kayaking, hiking or beachcombing. How Fabulous!
The registration fee is $250. Participants will also be required to raise a minimum of $1,200 in fundraising and program fees 21 days prior to starting. The fee covers volunteer lodging, meals, travel/medical insurance, ground transportation, project supplies, plus allows for local organizations to further their missions through grant funds.
So if you have unused vacation days at work and feel the desire to explore the globe and immerse yourself in new cultures, then Ready, Willing… Enable!welcomes you to join in. For more information on this wonderful organization please visit their website by clicking here.
They have an exciting adventure coming up and are in need of volunteers who know Spanish for their Mexican trip.
Also -- SAVE THE DATE -- their second annual "Date for a Change" event will be held on Saturday, February 7th at 8pm in San Antonio, TX. You don't have to be single to enjoy one of the single most exciting nights of the year!