So it happened. Just like a dream--only it was real. The votes were tallied and before we knew it--Barack Obama made history on so many different levels. I heard the cheers outside my window and the cars honking. Friends were texting me and calling from all over the globe congratulating America. It does feel like hope has been restored, but as Barack said last night--it's just the beginning.
As I casted my vote yesterday, I heard the little voices in my head saying, "Your vote DOESN'T really matter." But I voted anyways. And as I walked out of my Brooklyn voting booth, I had a heavy load in my heart--wondering what the outcome would signify. Because I know that every decision Barack makes in office will be scrutinized with a fine-toothed comb and the republicans will be front and center ready to point fingers if things go wrong. But Barack is a smart, confident man with a good heart and he'll make smart moves and informed choices that will lead America back to being a strong country; but he'll also instill America with new ideals and hopes that have come to represent the America I have always heard of and wanted to be a citizen of.
Our country will face new challenges and struggles but if we can elect a Black President, only years after subjecting people to cruel acts because of their skin color and segregating them from humane treatment--then we can do anything. I know the vibe here in New York has shifted. It's a vibe of hope and endless possibilities. And I'm glad I'm here to be witness to it all.
I wish Barack a happy term and his family a great stay at the White House. It'll be fun to see the spirit of those little girls fill those lifeless halls of suppression, resistance and hopelessness with high energy, dynamic laughter and hope. As I've been saying to everyone I meet today--Welcome to MYNEW AMERICA!
P.S. Oprah wasn't the only one who lost their fake lashes from crying last night!