So it's finally here--the episode we have all been waiting for--and "by all" I mean me and my mom (Love ya Mom!). I had the privilege of being "behind the scenes" during the making of this MTV'S MADE episode--shooting for Mayra Segovia, the Hair Goddess.
Three girls come to New York City with a dream, full of hope and a camera crew (How very Cinderella-like!) and are "MADE" into fashion model-types in order to compete for a modeling contract. I hope they brushed up on their "Tyra."
With help from GLAMO, their runway coach/stylist and owner of The Glamore Deluxe Company, they got their "model on". And let's not forget the the person who transformed the girls and got them ready for the runway--Mayra Segovia, the Hair Goddess.
I was behind the scenes with all the action getting the good gossip and taking sexy photos of the girls and their hunky boy models. Will you see me on the show, you eagerly ask? Who knows? I know the camera crew kept filming me while I was eating and going off for bathroom breaks! Good Lord, why was I cursed with a bad bladder?
This Is A Competition
Wednesday, Nov 12th at 9:00pm, one life will change forever.
MADE - MTV Shows
Which one of these sexy re-MADE diva's will win? Watch tonight, for the interesting outcome. I'll be posting an interview I did with the winner later on in the week, along with my photos of the shoot. How exciting...for me and my mom!
Stay tuned!
Nando & The MTV Viewing Party click here.
Nando & The MTV Party at Mayra's click here.
Nando & Glamo click here.