As of late, I've been having certain fantasies--no not that KIND. Well, yes, THAT kind too, but the ones I'm referring to are the fantasies that dreams are made of. I WANNA BE ON TV! So I am playing around with a few ideas.
Maybe a talk show?
What about a show where I'd go around TASTING & telling you where to go for the BEST foods in New York?
I think I'd be great at a cooking show--what do you think?
I know, a TV show like the ones you see on the discovery channel, but with a NANDOISM twist.
Whatever the case may be, I'm contacting the NEWTWORKS with my ideas and I already have a meeting with one--yes, it's the PUBLIC ACCESS channel for New York, but hey, you gotta start somewhere, right?
So for those of you who watch New York's Public Channel 13 at 3 a.m. --get ready for some NANDOISM! (Insert crickets chirps here)
Which show gets your vote?
P.S. I won the BEST BRONX video title between me and Nate. Remember our favorite guest blogger, JAB? Well, he's back and ready to give us some good 'ol down home TEXAS blogs. Stay tuned for the next post.