Nando & His Mail

After 3 months of having forwarded my mail from NEW JERSEY to BROOKLYN....and having lost ALL my mail in those 3 months.....I looked in my tiny mail box yesterday after trenching the horrible BROOKLYN snow covered streets and I find a letter with a yellow sticker on it.I laugh, I cry, I burp (it was the 7-up I had at the 14 street train station) and I notice the letter waiting for me is thin with BOLD markings on it.

"Oh Great! I see an unsolicated letter and scan through the front label quickly.....Another credit card application I'll be rejected once they plug in my social security number!" I'm about to throw the letter away butd ecide to tuck it into my OPRAH magazine that is 3 weeks late.

I get inside my apartment and I thumb through the magazine and notice the credit card application that I tucked inside only to examine it closer, realizing it's not junk mail.It's from the US Immigration office.The last letter they sent me (3 weeks ago) stated that they needed me to come back for fingerprints.....because my old ones had expired! I looked at my finger tips and thought to is that possible?

As I open the letter, my cell phone's my good friend/ex-roommate, Julie Hanson....telling me that she might come for a visit and how's she's feeling a bit under the weather.Julie: ...and Nando, I thought I had a brain tumor...but finally realized it was really only gas...."

As I began to read my letter, and somewhat ignoring Julie's gas epiphany, The US Immigration office was informing me that I need to show up to their office on Dec 29th, 2005, at 8am (eastern time...of course!!) as I am to be sworn in as a US citizen!!




After 30 years......................!!

I can't tell you how it feels.............I just wanted to share!

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