Motivation for the Gym

I've been sick for the past four days and I've been stuck at home self-medicating this horrible cold/sinus crap. Since Monday, I've been addicted to NyQuil and CSI:NY--two lethal combinations because I wind up in bed "high" thinking of DNA results and how my tongue print can lead police right to my doorstep. I also learned that the phrase "saved by the bell" was coined when our ancestors realized they were burying several people before their time--thinking they had died from the plague--so they figured out how to solve the problem. They tied a string onto the "dead" person's hand, buried them, and tied the other end of the string to a bell and then tied it to nearby tree branch. If the person revived and rang the bell, grave attendants would rush out and dig them up. That's also how the term, the "grave yard shift" came to be.

How does all this apply to you? It doesn't--can't you see that I'm still high on NyQuil? But in any case, between hallucinating spiders on my walls and learning new facts from TV I haven't been to the gym. And yesterday, I learned why attending the gym is so important. Not having any food in my apartment, I went to the healthiest place on my block, the 7-Eleven. I purchased Tostitos, spinach dip, and a turkey sandwich. When I got home, I couldn't open the jar of spinach dip--the lid was on too tight and I was getting desperate. When things like this happen in my life (unable to shove junk food in my mouth), I panic and take drastic measures.

In true NANDOISM style, I banged the jar lid on the wall until it loosened up and opened. As I ate half of the the dip (I know, disgusting--don't judge), I thought about two things: I need to build my upper body strength and never watch another episode of CSI:NY while eating spinach dip (the episode had a dead body explode all over the screen). God help us all.

P.S. What crazy things have you done while sick?

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