How do you define style? For me, it is the things I surround myself with, be it fashion, home, music, cinema, arts, dance and etc. This week as we have survived LFW, I decided to bring you something new. I should be going on and on about the new trends and so forth, but those I am sure you are already aware.
If not, let me know and I will make sure I will run through all of them. Plus the Academy Awards have just been on too. Are you all expecting me to run through the fashion and pick my winner? (Sandra Bullock). However, like I said this week I am bringing you something new, in the shape of Bourgeois & Maurice, a cabaret act I have been following for a few years now and it is only matter of time until they break away from UK and unleash themselves to the rest of the world and you, my dear friends in NY, should be scared. Very scared.
I have seriously never been hit this hard by an act. Totally fabulous, totally OTT, totally out of control and totally hilarious. Their last full-length show, Shedding Skin took us to a road of their own discovery, we learned about their childhood (they are of course brother and sister), how they earned for culture, but ended up burning the house down and barbequing their parents all at one go.
The duo performs with such conviction that it is hard not to be sucked into their lives, the good news is that in their twisted world you learn things about yourself and actually want to stay there forever. I mean why wouldn’t you want to stay in a world that offers Ritalin to children, where you learn all the details on how to poison with ethanol and get info on the lizard men taking on the world? You leave the show informed and entertained. My abs got such good workout I did not have to do any crunches in a few days, six-pack galore! Me likey.
I don’t know if they have any plans of taking over the world, but here is hoping. All my gays in NY need to see these two in action. I would go as far as planning your next trip to the UK around the performances available. Seriously. I know my acts and it does now get much better than this. I would strongly advise you all the check out their site and see what they are all about.
If you do decide to come to London and see them, let me know. I am going again and again. I am hoping that the fashion folk are listening and taking notes. I think that they all could learn a trick or two from the fabulous attire of these siblings. I wish to be wearing a muppet hair costume come spring 2013.