They say all is fair in love and war--but do they really mean it? And what if the war we're fighting involves love itself, do the rules change? And are the rules different for men and women? In a world where women are taught from an early age to wait for Prince Charming to rescue them in order to live "happily ever after" is there any other way this "love battle" can be won? Cue in Jody Green, quintessential careerist and new breed of American Idol.
Jody Green is currently the Editorial Director of,, but many of us know her from a little show that aired on VH1 called Tough Love where eight women underwent a "Love" boot camp with Steven Ward as their "Love Drill Sergent" who taught them to look inside themselves and discover destructive behaviors that were truly keeping them from finding love.
As the show progressed, personalities began to shine and for me, the brightest star hung over Jody Green--the quintessential workaholic--because her deep-rooted belief roared out: instead of waiting for Prince Charming to come around and rescue her, she was slaying her own dragons and had her eye on one thing--the crown!
After seeing how she embodied power, class and beauty--and having the sexiest laugh (it's like Julia Roberts, but without sounding like a molested chicken), I knew an interview was in order and to my surprise--and through the help of Twitter--Jody agreed and let me into her world last Thursday and what I learned was that a little Tough Love goes a long way.
Jody's bio for the show reads:
Jody Green has been a bridesmaid at 18 weddings, and she's gone so far as to buy her own wedding dress, even though she has no boyfriend! E-Harmony actually said Jody Green was "unmatchable." eventually gave Jody Green a refund after three different men had stood her up!
Nando: What made you go on the show?
Jody: (Sexy laugh) I went on the show to potentially meet somebody.
Nando: At the beginning of the show, you had a rival which was your POLAR OPPOSITE, Taylor, who was coined "The Gold Digger". Tell me about that.
Jody: I wanted to kill her. Taylor and I were literally at each other's throats and I kept thinking, "Oh God, What did u take? Wow! Are you on drugs?" She was all about finding a man with money and I have never thought that way. I take care of myself. But when she came back from the hospital I took her aside and told her, 'I said a lot of nasty things about you and we can either battle it out or work it out,' and we decided to be friends. It was not staged, I don't buy into that staged bullshit. I'm a real person. And as it turns out, we're very good friends now and we call each other like three to four times a day. In fact, I'm picking her up from the airport tomorrow.
Nando: We have an interview scheduled as well, will you remind her not to forget about me?
Jody: Don't worry, I will let her know!
Nando: Speaking of being "real" you came across as independent and strong on the show. And when I tweeted about landing this interview with you--many of my female readers were excited and wanted me to tell you that for the first time in years, they turned on their television sets and tuned in to watch a woman they actually considered a positive role model. How do you respond to that?
Jody: It’s pretty amazing that I came across that way, I’m not an actress and have no intention in being in the entertainment industry so that was just me being me. And to get positive feedback like that really makes me feel good. Listen Nando, I am my father's daughter and I was raised to be independent, strong and to get a career. And if women see me as a role model I am honored because, in reality, I don’t think that type of role model has been portrayed in the media as of late. I never thought that's the way I came across--I was being me.
Nando: There was an episode where Steven had you all do a "sexy" photoshoot and without you knowing--at the time, he showed the photos to a group of men who then commented on the pics. What did you think about the whole situation?
Jody: I'm a 39-year-old woman who was asked to be in a "sexy" photoshoot and I wore a vintage Prada dress that was body conscious and I felt I was looking damn good. When I saw what some of the other girls were wearing, like Arian with patten-leather boots and made them look slutty, I thought to myself, that’s not me.
Nando: I thought you looked great! So classy and stylish. The comments that the guys made were a bit harsh. They said you look uncomfortable and NOT sexy.
Jody: You know, when they made those comments, I thought to myself, 'Those are guys I wouldn't want to date anyways.' So it didn't really bother me. I have a great body--a tight ass, a 6-pack stomach and a sick wardrobe in my closet and that shit is not my problem.
Nando: What's the most valuable lesson you learned from Steven?
Jody: I am the quintessential careerist and Steven allowed me to break out of my barriers. I learned that I put my career ahead of myself and that I hide behind it. Because I've had train wreck relationships in the past my career became a safety net. And when you have to check yourself into a house with seven other women with no outside influences, self-examination is part of the process.
Nando: How are you doing things in the "love department" differently now?
Jody: I don't’ know? (Sexy laugh) I’m looking at things with wider eyes but I still have my "No List" which includes no actors, no models, and no agents. (Sexy laugh) But I will consider single dads, which is a huge step for me.
Nando: Speaking of single dads, you were matched up with one on the show--and things looked like they were going great with the two of you--what happened?
Jody: There was chemistry between us and he was successful, a good person, but in the end--he wasn't "the one". I think I will know when I see him.
Nando: What piece of dating advice are you now qualified to give?
Jody: Never discount the underdog.
With all the stars that come out of reality shows today, Jody Green may not have won a top modeling contract, a million-dollar prize for surviving the wilderness, or even a singing competition voted on by millions of viewers, but to many of us, she's one class-act and a real American Idol.
To follow Jody on Twitter here.
To Read the fabulous and well put together click here.
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