I heart Dooce

My friend Kate introduced me to Heather B. Armstrong aka Dooce (pronounced: Deuce) from Dooce.com a few months ago and I've been hooked on her ever since. She's a married woman with a 5-year-old girl living in Utah and currently has another "bun in the oven". According to Heather, "I am a Stay at Home Mom (SAHM) or a Shit Ass Ho Motherfucker. I do both equally well."

She's an amazing photographer and a pioneer blogger who has one of the strongest followings known to mankind. She is my American Idol, not only because she blogs from that strange place we bloggers blog from (you know, that place where we write about things that a normal person would be embarrassed to say) but because she made Kathy Lee Gifford uncomfortable during an interview. YOU ROCK DOOCE!

A bit more on Dooce.

Heather writes about her daughter, her dogs, and her husband--in that order. Her blog also includes a daily photo and a daily style guide. And her ability to be "real" with her readers--from thoughts of murdering her personal trainer to baking cookies or taking photos while driving--she's an inspiration to us all. Now I know I am not alone, all hail to my murder-inspiring blogger Heather B. Armstrong aka Dooce.

Thanks Kate!

Kathy Lee Gifford on the Today Show stating she's a bit uncomfortable with Heather: click here.
Check out Dooce on momversation: click here.

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