He Wants To Be Your Plastic G.I. Joe

I met Chetan (pronounced like Nathan but with a CH) last summer when he was in an Off-Broadway musical that my friend Nate was musically directing. I had a small crush on him and did my best to make him notice me...but he seemed more interested in other things (like dying children in Africa or the water shortage in Iraq) so my crush eventually withered and died. Little did I know that since then he's been working on his music and is finally ready to release his "superpowers" to the world...come May 1st.

I sat down and spoke to Chetan a few weeks ago and got a taste of his sound, which reminded me a little bit of Lady Gaga. I also the inside scoop on his first single, Plastic G.I. Joe, his style, intent, and the man behind the music. He was still cute as ever, but I kept it professional...and in my pants.

Nando: Your music sounds a bit like Lady Gaga...was that your intention?
Chetan: I want my music to make people dance. It's pop/dance and it's what you want to listen to when you hit the clubs. Lady Gaga's music does inspire me, so I appreciate the comparison.

Nando: Who wrote the songs?
Chetan: I wrote 4 out of the 5 songs. And when you listen to them, you get a sense of who I am,but I also write things that are true-to-life. One of my songs, "Sex and Coa Coa Puffs" is all about going out to the clubs and trying to hook up. I mean, it's real stuff we do and I wanted to bring it out there.

Nando: When can we expect all this to hit?
Chetan: My first release, Plastic G.I. Joe releases Friday May 1st and I'm having a huge release party. You're invited and your readers too! I just want to dance the night away and have a great time.

At this point it's clear that Chetan is so enthusiastic about his music and passionate about his first album that his smile is over-powering and transforming the dull Starbucks into a bright and shiny coffee house. I think the lady next to us put her shades on.

Nando: The single is released May 1st; where can we hear your music now?
Chetan: I have two singles on Myspace. (click here to listen)

He took out his iPod and allowed me to listen to a few singles off his album titled, Magic Show. The songs were catchy and a few had an 80s sound mix which seduced me into his style once again. Ah, will this man ever let me out of his spell?

Chetan's been performing since he was six-years-old and is currently attending the NYU Musical Theatre program. He's excited about his single debut but also that D.J. Baya Voce is remixing his first single, G.I. Joe--you may remeber D.J. Baya Voce from MTV's REAL WORLD: BROOKLYN.

Nando: So what did you like about Plastic G.I. Joe?
Chetan: I co-wrote that one and it was just so much fun and the end product is a great dance song that will transport you to a world of dance, music and fun.

Nando: I want to ask about your favorite things--ready?

Favorite Drink: Jack and Coke
Favortie Label: Diesel
Favorite hair product: Aveeda Grooming Clay
Favorite accessory: My Black Fedora

Nando: Anything you want to say to the world?
Chetan: Take a listen to my music and let me know what you think. Music has the power to take me out of a bad mood and I hope my music will make people forget what they're going through for a few minutes and dance!

If you want to enter Chetan's world follow him on Twitter here.
If you want to listen to his single click here.

And as a little extra bonus to FIVE NANDOISM readers, if you're one of the first FIVE readers to go to his myspace music profile and let him know NANDO sent you and leave him your thoughts on his new single, Plastic G.I. Joe--he will send you a FREE copy of the remixes--remixed my D.J. Baya Doce. Good Luck! And Go!


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