Approximately 2 weeks ago Gregg Homme approached me and wanted to hold a sexy underwear give-away with Nandoism readers.
It was the Naughty New Years Resolution contest. We all participate in making resolutions but fail to follow through--so Gregg Homme wanted to make sure this was one resolution you'd keep--and part of your naughty resolution require you wearing a sexy pair of Gregg Homme's Hercules briefs.
One winner will be announced every 2 hours starting at 11 am this morning. Stayed tuned & keep checking to see if you're the winner of Gregg Homme's Hercules.
Winners:1. Maynor Caleb M tweet him congratulations at @mcm180
2. Dj J Salinas tweet him congratulations at @DjJSalinas
3. Greg Petruska tweet him congratulations at @undiesboy