Funny Sex Ads on Craigslist


Sometimes when I feel lonely and depressed I go over to and rediscover joy. How exactly? By reading the Gay Personals of course. Gay men, as we know, are the moralistic fiber of society--it's because of us that "brunch, the crunch, and extra fine lube" were created, so I wouldn't expect the Gays to be any less creative when it comes to broadcasting their sexual desires online--so let's take a peek together, shall we? (I take no responsibility if you click on the ad and find offensive stuff--I didn't read the ads, only the titles--they were enough for me!)

Here were the top 5 Craigslist ads that made me chuckle.

1. afterwork deepthroat action for needy men - 36

Now this queen is clearly into giving his time and throat to his community. I really hope he finds what he's looking for.

2. Suck swallow and jerk - 23

Why, this reminds me of the time I went to try on a pair of jeans that were a 32-inch waist, but I digress. I get the feeling this guy works for a marketing or PR firm because his copy is clear, concise and very emotionally driven. Kudos mo!

3. seeking stray str8 man - m4m - 59

This gay must be a man of the cloth, while others are out there fornicating, on a mission, looking for stray men who are straight to lead them to the path of righteousness. Amen sister!


This mo alarms me. Is he in need of medical attention? Does he need a shot of Scope or Listerine? What ever he needs, he needs it now, look, he wrote in ALL CAPS! Learn how to write for the internet, Mary!

5. Master are you there?

Ah, some some strange reason, I think of Barbara Eden when I read this post. Master? Really? Well, whatever you do, I hope you wear protection, and by protection I mean a genie outfit with plastic nipple rings.

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