Dream Interpretation

We all have dreams we want interpreted. As a child, I used to dream I was a Mexican marshmallow. My sister was no help, she only confirmed I was weird. But I'm talking about different dreams, I'm talking about the stuff we "want to become." 

When I was asked to represent The Well Heeled Society at the 2009 FFANY Shoe Sale Event this past Tuesday, I replied, "Sure, why not?" When I heard Jessica Simpson would be there and I'd grab an interview I said, "What will I wear?" And at the event when hearing the buzz that Linda Dano was coming my way for an interview, I thought, "Lord, Take me now!" (you can see my interviews in this clip).

But I'm not a stranger to the red carpet, I've been on it before and no, it wasn't to vacuum it just because I'm Mexican--but in my former life, I was a photographer and was hand- picked for a few exciting NYC events that gave me the opportunity to shoot Mariah Carey, Alicia Keys, Anna Wintour, and a few other celebrities...just had to name drop for a second.

But 2009 has been wonderful as I've gotten closer to the celebrity market than I had ever imagined. Some of you may think--what's the big deal? And for those that think that I do my best Flo from Mel's Diner impersonation, "Kiss my grits!"

For me, a small-town-Mexican who grew up in Odessa, TX, it's a major deal. I didn't grow in NYC, so I never had opportunities to bump into celebrities running around town, unless you count the man who polished the Jack Rabbit statue in downtown Odessa--hey, Willie was sort of a celeb--I just never imagined I'd be interviewing the stars. Watching television was my salvation as a child; I didn't have many friends, so the actors on the TV shows became my friends. I was convinced I belonged on the set of Another World and Linda Dano, who played Felicia Galant was my long lost aunt. I'd dust off her hats and de-feather her outfits when needed and I'd also help her run the restaurant she purchased in season 12. Then we'd go visit Rachel at the mansion and swim in her pool as Cass and Mac would make drinks while discussing "the kidnapping". Life never got so good.

I also believed Wonder Woman needed a Mexican side-kick, but she never called. And I won't begin to tell you how upset I was when I found out my mother wasn't mailing my letters off to Nell Carter on Gimme a Break!

For me, these were wild and crazy dreams that an adopted gay Mexican kid had that are now coming to fruition with the help of some wonderful people. Meeting celebrities, talking to them, and just praying the breath mint kicks in before they reach me--are fantasies I always knew would come true for me...and it stops here? Not a chance, if you don't know me by now, I don't satisfy easily (just ask Burger King). I always want more and it's that craving that makes me work harder.

When I had my karma reading with Lilith Dove a few weeks ago, she told me that in three months I'd meet people who'd take my career to the next level but I had to do one thing in return and that was to start taking chances--well, Universe, I'm ready.

So what does this say about me and my dreams? I'm shallow, I've fallen for the glamour and glitz of it all? Maybe, but for now, why go through and dream interpretation--when I could just enjoy the moment?

What are your dreams? And how would others interpret those dreams?

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