This is my 2018 vision board that I created on Jan 31st. As someone who now gets the importance of having the "thing" that you want "in front of you" I understand the significance of being able to see the things I want to create for myself and my family on a daily basis. It's my map, my guide.
I firmly believe you call into existence all that you declare—so my ass got to declaring some bold *ish!Remember, we can do hard things, we can handle hard things, we can crave hard things now because we know and understand that they are only hard because we declare them as so. Having a vision board reminds me of what I want in my life and what I don't want -- that's the beauty of it, it's like having a picture of what's in your head. And it gives you direction on the days where things get a little crazy and you're not sure what you're really doing.Creating a vision board reminds me that not every closed door is locked—that I can just PUSH!
We all have magazines around the house - grab about 5-8 of them (or ask friends for their old magazines and have a vision board party) and start going through them. There are two ways of doing this -- you already know what you want and you are looking for those images to represent what you're looking to manifest - or you allow the picture to provide the inspiration. You can do a combination of both techniques. Nothing is wrong and everything is perfect --which ever way you create.
Some will say to keep your vision board private because it's personal and no one should see what you're working on and if you would have asked me a year ago, I would have agreed. But today, and what I did with mine, was share it! I shared it because I feel that as many people who see it, it will keep me accountable for creating what's on my vision board but also -- they may be able to help me with it! I'm all about community! They might know something I don't or have a connection that I need in order to make it happen! Keeping your vision board private of sharing it -- it's all up to you.Now, have you created yours already, if not, what are you waiting for?