Brand to Land - Brand Yourself to Land the Job You Deserve (An Interactive Workshop) #Brand2Land

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#Brand2Land: An Interactive Workshop

#Brand2Land: An Interactive Workshop[/caption]Do you tense up at interviews? Or smack yourself in the face afterwards and think, “Why didn’t I answer it this way?” Maybe you’re convinced you aced your interview only to get a rejection letter a few days later.If this sounds like you—or if you NEVER want this to be you, The Brand to Land Workshop is what you need.Nando (Sr. Social Media Recruiter) + Charlene (Talent Recruiter) provide the gateway into one of the most iconic and legendary advertising agencies of our time and have teamed up for an interactive seminar called Brand to Land: Helping you find your personal brand to landyour next job. The workshop, being held at the sexy Wix Lounge, is designed to introduce job seekers (of all levels and industries) to the new trends in interviewing and how to stand out in today’s job market.Participants will self-identify their personal brand to showcase that brand throughout the interviewing process to land the job they want.Objectives:

  • Discover your personal interviewing brand
  • Identify and target habits sabotaging your interviews
  • Be challenged during mock interviews to sharpen quick-thinking skills and rethink standard responses
  • Redefine your approach to job searches
  • Exposure to new interviewing techniques trending in today’s job market

Seminar Details:2-hour interactive seminar where Nando + Charlene actively help job seekers navigate through the interviewing process with collaborative activities leaving job seekers feeling refreshed, confident and armed with a new set of core competencies.Bonus Features:

  • Help you gain confidence during the interviewing process
  • Our 4-point method of addressing every interview question
  • Tactical assignments to self-identify your personal interviewing brand
  • 5 Killer ways to boost your networking skills
  • Discover the 5 trends in today’s job market
  • Reasons recruiters are not calling you back
  • Why your job search is failing
  • Questions never to ask an interviewer
  • Negotiate salaries, vacations + more
  • Engaging mock interview session where you get in the “hot seat”
  • Interactive Q&A session with Nando + Charlene


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