You are the designer of your own catastrophe -- especially when it comes to love. You have reasons why you can't find "the one" or you're just too busy or ain't nobody got time for dat! Those aren't reasons, those are excuses.When we use excuses to rationalize our failures, especially when dating, it really is a reflection of you and your flaws. And guess what? Everyone has flaws. You're not alone. But here's the difference, they are willing to still put themselves in a vulnerable place.Can you say the same?If you look around, no one is in a perfect relationship, they don't exist. What does exist though? The possibility of finding and creating a relationship that brings joy, love, and vulnerability into your life. Yes, vulnerability. I know what you're thinking, "But that makes me a target for getting hurt!" Guess what? You're already hurting. You're just doing it alone.
Have you been designing a
Would you be proud to display them? Because you already are. Check your last 10 Facebook status updates. They tell more about you than you ever thought.If the current life design is not working in your life -- start a new one.Change mediums, change formats, throw away your old tools and start fresh--the old stuff (the past) is contaminated.Identify + write down 5 of your best qualities and splash, stroke, weave, bend, glue, weld--start a new beautiful design you're proud to have on display.
The universe and love is waiting with anticipation.