A few months ago, I interviewed New York City's Sherry Vine for my book. I came across her Telephone video parody on YouTube and knew she had to be in my life. Not sure if she needed another Mexican in her world, I called her up and she agreed to the interview. Personally, I've always believed that talented people know other talented people--and since I have no talents, it's no wonder I'm a low-rate dating blogger. But I wanted to trick her into being my friend--she bought it. The interview was great and she--along with the other people I've interviewed were very open and happy to be a part of my project.
I can't begin to describe the talents of Sherry Vine. She's an amazing performer, whether you call her a female impersonator, a drag queen or just a super star--the energy and creative sparks she embodies is pure, real and amazing. Yeah, some will flinch at her lyrics, a few might even get GLAAD to rally, but I'm a true fan and when I can across her Alejandro parody, I just couldn't get it out of my head! It's just that amazingly good and to top things off--it has a message! Oy!So if you haven't heard or seen Sherry Vine, here is her version of Lady Gaga's Alejandro (I like it better than Gaga's!)
And I've teamed up with Sherry to give you an awesome gift--the first 10 people who leave a comment will get a FREE mp3 of "You're a Homo". So tweet it out, facebook it and just tell all your friends to come over and leave a comment for their mp3. It's that good! And as an added bonus--if you want to review Sherry's parody, send me an e-mail and I'll post it here on Nandoism.com.