It's come to my attention that several of my friends are in the creative space. How did I come to this conclusion? Because I was once "in the space" and I've stopped and it's like a flashing neon sign in my lazy face that I haven't been actively creating anything but ass indentations on my bed, couch and chairs. But I've also learned it's a part of my process as a creative. I go through waves. Sometimes it's a solid 6 months of energy-crazed content about careers, dating or self-improvement and then it's a wave of riding nothing but a bag of Doritos to my face.
I believe everyone is creative and I know there are many out there that would love to have the argument of "Not me, I couldn't create anything if I had a loaded gun pointed to my crotch!" But think about it--Are you good at making people laugh? In your circle of friends, are you the Pinterest queen pinning for the best pink items around? When you're around your husband, do you compliment his attempt to use hair products? All those examples take a form of creativity.
As I was researching "ways to get off the couch" I can across this little piece of work that spoke to me. Although I'm not gonna lie, I think it's ugly...but the content is key. Take a read. What are some other ways you stay creative?