How to Fix Your Relationship with Inspiration

elizabeth-gilbert-eat-pray-love big magic

How to fix your relationship with inspiration isn't something we think about yet it's something important especially if you're a creative. What defines a creative person? The beauty of being creative is as long you think you are -- you are!

Whether your creativity comes in the form of a glue gun and pipe cleaners, a paintbrush or construction paper--pay attention.As creative people, we believe that inspiration comes in waves and can't be controlled, and if that's the truth, we should certainly celebrate it when inspiration arrives, right? But what if we've been burned by inspiration?

Several struggle with the next project waiting for creativity and inspiration to hit only to be disappointed when we complete our masterpiece; art, book, blog, yet, success didn't get the memo and your book goes unpublished, your artwork never sells or that amazing blog only gets read by you, your mom and a random person who came to your page because of a misspelled word in their search.

Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love and now, Big Magic says, "People murder their creativity by insisting they're not truly creative unless their creativity pays the bills."She has an amazing point about inspiration--so much so, that I was inspired to make a video.So how do you fix your relationship with inspiration? By first understanding the relationship between inspiration and success.

What's your relationship with inspiration? Leave a comment and let's discuss.

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