Gay Married Couple Vlog Series: Nando & German

gay married couple

Gay Married Couple

Even before German and I got married, we kept our lives semi-private but there are some aspects we don't mind sharing with our friends and family as husbands in Brooklyn. We thought it would be fun to share this video journey with you, especially since we have Leona, the best Shih Tzu puppy ever! These adventures will probably all revolve around her and her friends and a little quarrel here and there between us--just keeping it real. Several of her Shih Tzu puppy friends are rescues so it's great to see how behavioral problems aren't an issue for these pet owners that shower their pets with love.

The Why?

I wanted to showcase how normal we are as a married gay couple. Yes, we are husbands, but we lead the same life anyone typical married couple do. We worry about the bills, who's going to take out the garbage and scream and yell when the toothpaste cap isn't replaced. So I dare anyone to see this series and claim our "gay lifestyle" is different. It's just our life. We just happen to be gay husbands in Brooklyn with a Shih Tzu named Leona the Lion.



The Video Series

Below is the 3rd installment of our video series where Leona goes to an all Shih Tzu birthday party to celebrate her friends Honey and Quinn's birthday. It was action packed with all these New York City puppies running around but so much fun. As always, at these events, there is a dog birthday cake that sits on the dog side of the snack table and for humans, there are a few cupcakes & nibbles too.

What do you think of the video series? What else would you like to see? Leave your comment and let's discuss.

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