Frosted Flakes for Breakfast

Complaining about life again, are we? "Wah, Wah, Wah," sound familiar? "I don't have a date, I just broke up, my foot fungi just eat my nail polish!" How about taking that energy and transforming it into positive vibrations and pondering more than "What's for dinner?"

I'll explain.3 days ago I was walking down the street--in the snow--and I was all crabby and being evil with my thoughts because my boyfriend drank all the milk in the apartment and put back the container with one swallow left. I was forced to go get a new gallon because he was still asleep. As I organized my ideas for a revenge plan, I got to the corner and noticed a blind guy (with his little blind-man-stick) about to cross the street in the opposite direction.Several thoughts flash about in my mind:

1. If I was blind I wouldn't have to worry about losing weight and I could just shop at the GAP & Old Navy.

2. If I was blind I wonder if I'd leave the house.

3. Would I have a boyfriend and what would he look like? Cause I don't think I'd snatch another hot one like the one I have now.

4. Thank you Universe. Really. Thank you for where I am today in my life.

Pretend you were me (all right, not 100% me, you can knock off 5 lbs) and tell me--what would be your thoughts seeing the blind man attempting to cross?

p.s. My boyfriend caught up to me and actually helped the blind man cross the street. I hope that counts as my karma too, cause if I hadn't needed frosted flakes that morning, the blind man would have NEVER crossed the street.

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