Your Reasons to Date

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What are the reasons you date?

1. Because you're expected to.

2. To fall in love.

3. You're bored.

4. You're lonely.

5. To have sex & your hand/toys aren't cutting it.

6. To share.

7. To feel validated.

8. Because someone "winked" at you on a dating site.

9. To have a child.

10. To obtain a partner and grow.

11. Because you're ready.

Which one of these (if any--or all) is YOUR motivator to date?

What would happen if we were to throw all pre-existing ideas on dating away and started fresh?

How would you do things differently if only yesterday online dating sites were invented? Would you use them to really connect with someone or just click through photos without reading profiles as if you were on Fresh Direct looking for the freshest pork loin?

Would you still use that old photo of yours? Leave a comment and let's discuss.

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