Since the creation of the Sex and the City series on HBO, there have been many, many dating and social advancements. One, the idea that love can happen and will be waiting around the corner was reintroduced and reinforced. Second, the world saw how fabulous it is to date in New York but were also sympathetic to the duds we have roaming the streets. But, there were a few negative side effects to Sex and the City. One, brunch was stolen from the Gays, and two, some of us want to go on suffering just like Carrie Bradshaw.
Are we seeking dating drama to justify our lives. What? Not date? Are you crazy? Sure the last guy I dated implied I was a bit beefy and that I needed to loose at least 15 lbs so I punched him in the nose, walked home in the rain and then got New York nasty city-water splashed all over me while I cried to my best friend on the phone. But stop dating? Stop looking for my Mr. Big? Stop looking through or clicking on Nerve? Never! What kind of dater do you think I am?
A dramatic dater, that’s who. Why are you so persistent on dating? Take a break. Take a class. Take a nap. Rethink your dating values and create an authentic intent in your dating life. Are you dating out of fear, just to have sex, to have a relationship, to get a free meal? (Child, I love me some free steak!) Yes, Carrie Bradshaw was fun to watch, but when the 30-minute episode was over, so were the overly-dramatic conversations about love, sex and Big. We are not who we see in the movies, we are not characters in a t.v. series and we are not Carrie Bradshaw.
Nandoism #15 In a time when we’re looking for “The one and only,” an original, the real love of our lives; yet, we’re basing our dating lives on fiction, I can’t help but wonder, “Will all this mimicking only bring imitations of the real thing?”
Who did we date like, before Carrie Bradshaw? Leave a comment.
And don’t forget to check out my new eBook, Dating Stuff: The Things About Dating You Ought To Know available for download, now!