Reunited and it Netflixs so Good

netflix and chill

Netflix and chill doesn't apply here, but don't you just love how the human condition works? Many say that we get back what we put out in the Universe. And with that logic we should be able to pin point why certain things occur in our lives. For example if you're a cheater, then you'll be cheated on, if you're into breaking hearts then you'll be the recipient of a broken heart soon enough and if you're me--the person I desperately fell madly in love with almost three years ago will contact me as soon as I'm getting over him.

What time is it?

He was right on schedule. I finally got over him and he reached out. Ah yes, but the hot young romantic didn't contact me through e-mail, twitter, or Facebook. Not even through phone, text, or Google Wave, but through the one online community that symbolizes strength, love, and passion--Netflix.It was dreary and foggy (in my head) and I had been fighting a skin infection all week, like all modern day Mexican bloggers, and lucky for me, the antibiotics I was taking caused the infection to finally burst open and drain itself--at 3 a.m. When I finally got back to sleep, I was in the middle my Zac Efron and Taylor Lautner triple-date fantasy dream when I felt a warm liquid oozing all over my chest. "Not yet!" I yelled out to the boys, which then woke me up. That's when I realized the substance oozing on me was from the infection. Don't worry, it was a good sign. The nasty thing took about 7 minutes to drain. (And let me tell you, I will never see vanilla pudding the same)


Now What?

I was out of my slumber so I turned on my computer and went to Netflix. Once inside, I had a message. In all my three years as a customer, I had never experienced this so I click on the message tab which informed me that someone had left me a note on Season 10 of Law & Order's SVU page. I saw who left it and wondered if I was seeing the right name; underneath the heading Izzy has left you a note and it read: "I was raped."

To know Izzy, is to appreciate his wicked sense of humor. I got him hooked on SVU and it's something we bonded over. And I understood his message. In season 9, Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay) was undercover and was almost raped and in season 10 she's dealing with the aftermath of the situation. He meant no harm, but it was a bit wicked--typical Izzy.

We all now how humorous the topic of rape is (it's not)--but it did make me giggle, maybe it was the antibiotics mixed with no sleep. But then, anger surged through me which quickly turned to sadness and then back to anger...and eventually I was left with hunger--I am Mexican after all--but I digress. I turned the computer off, went to bed hoping Zac and Taylor would return, but they never did.


Tell me why?

Why was I letting his note get to me? And that's when it hit me, "because it was a note". After not speaking to someone for almost a full year--he decides to "send me a note" through Netflix? I gave my heart and soul to this person, some of my best deranged and manic times were spent giving Izzy mouth-to-penis therapy and yet he thought so little of me as to communicate through a movie site?

Would I be reacting different if he would've sent it using another method? Who knows? But I do know that we've lost the art of communication. How many times have you been out with friends only to be ignored because they were tweeting? How about trying to chat with someone you met on a dating website and you start exchanging emails when all of a sudden they stop. Then, three days later, you get an email from them explaining, "Sorry, I couldn't get back to you sooner, but the doorbell rang." And you think, "So did the person on the other side of the door take you hostage for three days and I'm your first phone call?"

Have we lost it?

Have we allowed the ease of communication to take away the respect of interacting? Why spend major time with minor people who don't see what a valuable person you are? Your feelings are just as important as the person on the other end of the tweet, text or door? I deserve better and so do you, right?

If someone really wants to contact you--they'll do it and in a way that really shows you they're into you or want to come back into your life. I didn't Netflix Izzy back; we have history together and if his note was the best he could do--then he needs to try again. According to his IQ, he's a genius--he can figure out how to use his iPhone because using Netflix wasn't chill. It's better he doesn't though, it's called a breakup for a reason.

What's the oddest way someone's tried to contact you? Did it work?

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